
Chad Layton collaborative divorce attorney west palm beach

What Is A Collaborative Marriage Plan?

While Prenuptial Agreements contemplate what will happen if your marriage fails, Collaborative Marriage Plans help you and your future spouse consider potential problems that may occur during your marriage and agree to solutions in advance. Prenuptial Agreements are a legal tool that plan only for your divorce.  Collaborative Marriage Plans provide you with a much…

Chad Layton Collaborative Divorce Attorney

3 Signs That Collaborative Divorce Is Not Right For You

For the large majority of families, the benefits of the collaborative divorce process (privacy, respect, non-adversarial nature) far outweigh the cons. However, in some instances, collaborative divorce is not the best fit to address the issues in your divorce. Collaborative divorce is not the best solution for you IF: REVENGE – If you or your…

Chad Layton Collaborative Divorce Attorney

What is a Collaborative Prenuptial Agreement?

I work most often with married couples to help them resolve the issues in their divorce, without fighting in court. However, more and more, I am helping clients that are single and engaged to be married.  We are working together to protect their assets and their estate before they get married. Many times, my client…

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Divorce FAQ #1 – What Happens If I Move Out Of The House?

We’re often asked: Who stays in the marital home during a divorce in Florida? Here’s some professional advice from attorney Chad Layton.

Alimony and Divorce Questions

How Do I Figure Out Alimony and Child Support

The Covid-19 pandemic upended so many different parts of our lives, including the ability to enforce alimony and child support payments. Here’s how.

Most common divorce mistakes in palm beach county

How Do I Avoid Mistakes In Divorce?

Some lawyers charges hundreds of dollars an hour and are hardly worth it. Here’s the three biggest mistakes expensive divorce lawyers make.

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Don’t Cut Corners in a Prenuptial Agreement

My best advice for those looking to create a prenuptial agreement in Palm Beach County? Don’t hire a cheap lawyer. Cut corners, and you’ll pay later.

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The “P” Word – Why Prenups Aren’t a “dirty” word anymore

While marriages are generally declining in Florida, prenuptial agreements are more popular than ever. In the article, attorney Chad Layton writes why.