Do I Need a Divorce Parenting Coach?

October 18, 2024  | 
By: Chad Layton, Esq.

It depends on what your goals are for divorce.  If you have children and you are concerned about the potential negative impact of divorce on your children, yes, you need a divorce parenting coach. 10.15.24 Mindful Divorce Do I Need A Divorce Parenting Coach
Many of us have had success with hiring a professional coach to assist us with defining and accomplishing important goals in our life.  For me, hiring a financial advisor and a business coach were key decisions in helping me to define and accomplish important goals in my life.

Divorce is no different.  If you decide that putting your children’s interest first in your divorce is an important goal for you, then you need to hire a divorce parenting coach that will help you accomplish this goal.

What Can I Expect From A Divorce Parenting Coach?

  1. Defining Specific Goals to Support Your Children – your divorce parenting coach will listen to both you and your spouse, and help you to define goals that will help your children be well-adjusted, happy and confident.
  2. Define Consistent Parenting Routines and Care – your divorce parenting coach, with the assistance of your collaborative divorce attorney, will help you and your spouse to define and agree upon consistent care, discipline, expectations, consequences, curfews, chores, and other important structure for your children as your family adjusts to a new chapter in your life that includes two households.
  3. Define Goals Relating to Time-Sharing – your divorce parenting coach, with the assistance of your collaborative divorce attorney, will help you and your spouse to create a time-sharing plan that will provide both you and your spouse with quality time with your children.  You will have the opportunity to learn from what many parents have done in the past to successfully accomplish this goal, and you will customize your own plan to best meet the needs of your children.
  4. Keep Your Children Free From Conflict – your divorce parenting coach will help you and your spouse to identify and avoid the most common areas of conflict during and after the divorce regarding your children.  These areas can include your child feeling like he or she needs to show resentment toward your spouse to show their support for you, or that he or she cannot speak freely to you about whether or not they enjoyed time with your spouse.
  5. Defining Common Interests and Goals – it is essential that you and your spouse receive professional guidance and support to help you create a parenting plan that defines the most important goals that will help your children to continue to thrive and grow as your family transitions to a new chapter.

If you, or a friend of yours, has questions about divorce mediation or collaborative divorce in Palm Beach County, we are here to help.

Helpful  Resources:

Mindful Divorce Services – Fixed Fees

Florida Academy of Collaborative Professionals

Florida Family Law Forms

Child Specialist in Divorce

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