
Image of a last will and testatment

How to Handle Your Estate Plan, Last Will, and Other Important Matters Following a Divorce

How are estates, trusts, and wills altered after a divorce? While every situation is different, the need to amend is clear. Chad Layton explains why.

The end of a divorce image

The Divorce is Over, Now What?

Your divorce is now final. What’s next for the small business owner? For the retiree? For the big family that now has to split their time?

How to listen during a divorce

How to Slow Down and Listen During The Hectic Divorce Process

We’re all busy people. That’s why it’s so important to listen intently during my consultations with clients about their divorce. Here’s why.

Young couple who owns a business

Divorce – Should We Fight Over the Business?

When it comes to the question of how to deal with a small business owned by one or both spouses, many issues which must be addressed.

Image of the word 'Winning'

Don’t Win Your Divorce

Divorce is a process, not a race. Take your time, hire the right lawyers, and make sure you have clear goals for what you want out of the divorce.

Inheritance & Divorce – Is it Mine?

The question of who keeps an inheritance in a divorce depends on which party to the divorce inherited, whether it’s in a trust, and many other factors.

Beware of the Monday Morning QB

Be careful who you trust for divorce advice. Here’s some tips for avoiding being influenced by people who don’t know your situation.

A bowl of granola

“Just Put It In A Bowl” – A Lesson in Listening To Your Client

Chad tells the story of being reminded how important it is for divorce attorneys to listen to their clients, and why some attorneys are bad at that.

Divorce as project management

Divorce “Project Management”

When you hire a professional to manage a project, you expect them to do it right, on time, and for a fair fee. Divorce really should be no different.

Same-sex couple divorce

Same-Sex Couple Divorces

The Supreme Court of the U.S. rules that love wins in 2015. But what happens when the love falls out for same-sex couples? Let’s examine it here.