
Alimony: Can It Be Modified?

Alimony can be a difficult pill to swallow for some, but it’s not written in stone for all eternity. You can modify alimony. Here’s how.

Prenuptial Agreement For Small Business Owners

Business owners create wealth and value over years during a marriage, but if you don’t have a prenup for the business, what do you do in a divorce?

Retirement Assets

Dividing Retirement Assets in Divorce

Dividing retirement assets in a traditional divorce can be a painful process for older couple who split later in life. Here’s some advice.

A bowl of granola

“Just Put It In A Bowl” – A Lesson in Listening To Your Client

Chad tells the story of being reminded how important it is for divorce attorneys to listen to their clients, and why some attorneys are bad at that.

Divorce as project management

Divorce “Project Management”

When you hire a professional to manage a project, you expect them to do it right, on time, and for a fair fee. Divorce really should be no different.

Half of a pie

Divorce – I Get Half of What?

Be mindful when soliciting advice from non-professionals about your divorce. It’s not as simple as “he/she gets half”. Hire a professional instead.

Get a conflict-free divorce

Low-to-No Conflict Divorce

How do we make divorces in Palm Beach County easier? With fixed fees, a conflict-free approach, and your goals in mind. Learn more about our unique process here.

Same-sex couple divorce

Same-Sex Couple Divorces

The Supreme Court of the U.S. rules that love wins in 2015. But what happens when the love falls out for same-sex couples? Let’s examine it here.

Prenup Image

The “P” Word – Why Prenups Aren’t a “dirty” word anymore

While marriages are generally declining in Florida, prenuptial agreements are more popular than ever. In the article, attorney Chad Layton writes why.

Social security card

What Happens to Social Security Benefits in Divorce?

What happens to your social security benefits during and after a Florida divorce? Who gets the benefits? In this article, Chad Layton explains.