
Why Fixed Fees Work in Divorce

Contrary to popular belief, people going through a divorce have not lost all of their intelligence and common sense.  More often than not, when you are going through a divorce, you are not happy about the divorce. However, you are reasonable, and you would like a seasoned professional to provide you with an overview of…

Chad Layton Collaborative Divorce Attorney

FAQ: Collaborative Divorce

  What is a “Collaborative Divorce”? Answer: A legal process that provides both spouses with separate collaboratively trained lawyers that help them to resolve all of the conflicts in their divorce without any court litigation.[i] The Florida Supreme Court has recognized the benefits of the Collaborative Divorce Process regularly.  In 2001, the court acknowledged Collaborative…

Uncontested Divorce

What Is An Uncontested Divorce?

Why More People in Palm Beach County are choosing uncontested divorce The term “uncontested divorce” in Palm Beach County describes a solution to divorce matters that involves zero litigation.  This process encourages amicable and reasonable negotiations before anything is filed with the court.  If you are considering divorce, it behooves you to ask, What is…

How to succeed in divorce mediation

How to Succeed in Divorce Mediation

Most people going through divorce don’t want to go to court.  You don’t want to fight.  You don’t know what a reasonable divorce settlement looks like based on the specific finances and facts of your marriage.  Mediation is the best alternative to court and unnecessary litigation.  The goal is clear.  Let’s work to draft a…

amicable divorce

Can I Hire One Attorney To Handle Our Divorce?

Is hiring one lawyer for both sides a good idea? A question that arises occasionally during a divorce consultation is: “Can I hire one attorney to handle our divorce?” This question does not come up if the spouses have lost all trust in one another.  This is a question that arises if both spouses are…

Palm Beach County Divorce

Divorce FAQ #2 – Where Should I File For Divorce?

Many of us in Palm Beach County are transplants that have moved here from another State or Country.  Those residents that were married outside of Florida very often ask, where do I file for divorce? The answer is that you should file for divorce here in Palm Beach County.  The legal requirement to file for…

Marital home in divorce image

Divorce FAQ #1 – What Happens If I Move Out Of The House?

We’re often asked: Who stays in the marital home during a divorce in Florida? Here’s some professional advice from attorney Chad Layton.

Good Advice image

Collaborative Divorce: Good or Easy Advice – you can only pick one.

It’s inevitable: Once you tell your friends and family you have started your divorce, everyone will want to give you advice. Don’t listen.

Most common divorce mistakes in palm beach county

How Do I Avoid Mistakes In Divorce?

Some lawyers charges hundreds of dollars an hour and are hardly worth it. Here’s the three biggest mistakes expensive divorce lawyers make.

Lessons Learned in Divorce

How Do I Avoid Going To Court In My Divorce?

After many years of practicing as a collaborative divorce attorney, Chad Layton has some advice for you if you just started a divorce.