Don’t go to court to fight if you want to maintain any degree of control in your divorce.

Lawyers and judges are the primary actors in a litigated (contested) divorce.

You and your husband or wife are the primary actors in a collaborative (uncontested) divorce.

The degree of control that you have in the decisions that are being made in your divorce is the biggest distinction between contested divorce and uncontested divorce.

Instead of hiring a cut throat lawyer to fight for you in court, you can hire a collaboratively trained divorce attorney to help you reach a fair and equitable settlement agreement outside of court.

Instead of being told by your litigation attorney that he or she will email you occasionally to, “let you know how it’s going”, you can attend weekly face to face meetings with your collaborative attorney to discuss what your options are for the next important decision that you and your spouse will make in your divorce.

Instead of being told by your litigation attorney that the judge will decide if you have to sell your home, you and your collaborative attorney will create multiple options for your home that are fair to you and your spouse.

In collaborative divorce, you and your husband or wife will maintain control over your divorce.  You will not be put in a corner by your attorney and told that he or she will let you know how it’s going.

Also, you will save yourself a lot of time and money.

If you, or a friend of yours, has questions about collaborative divorce in Palm Beach County, we are here to help.

Chad Layton, Esq.

Mindful Divorce, P.A.

(561) 537-8227

Schedule a Consultation


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205 Worth Ave.

Suite 303

Palm Beach, FL 33480

Phone (561) 537-8227

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