In most cases, the collaborative divorce process is a better option than going to court to resolve your divorce.

The collaborative divorce process provides you with options and outcomes that are simply not available in the litigation system.

Collaborative divorce is a private resolution process that was founded with the tenets of respect, privacy and transparency.  Collaborative divorce provides you with the support that you need to resolve your divorce fairly and respectfully.  We work to help you through the uncontested divorce process the right way.

We, as collaborative professionals, are settlement specialists that work to help couples and families resolve their divorce with legal information, cooperative strategies, and option building techniques.

The outcomes that we reach in collaborative divorce often include creative financial settlements that help the entire family accomplish their most important goals in the divorce.

We also eliminate delays caused by an overburdened court calendar, and we eliminate the stress that comes from going to court to put your life in the hands of a judge that you have never met.

However, collaborative divorce is not the right solution for every divorce.  If you know that your husband or wife is hiding assets, and that he or she will sign sworn affidavits to hide these assets during your divorce, litigation may be necessary.

If you, or a friend of yours, has questions about collaborative divorce in Palm Beach County, we are here to help.

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