Many of us do our best to take a few moments out of the day to slow down and quiet the tasks and stress that come with our jobs and profession.
For me, I do my best to take ten minutes during the lunch hour to take a walk without any devices and clear my head.
Another way to focus on being present and awake is to take five deep breaths while paying attention to each breath. Here is a good article on 10 quick mindfulness tips for your work day.
Mindfulness in Divorce
In the practice of family law, mindfulness has helped me to slow down and listen before jumping to judgment or to a solution that I think is best for the husband or wife that I am helping through the difficult process of divorce. The husband’s and wives and children that we help are all very different. Taking the time to listen before jumping to the next step is a simple step that changes the way we help families to resolve their divorce without battling in court.
Collaborative Mental Health Professional
In many of our collaborative divorce matters, a mental health professional is part of the team from the very start. This individual helps the parents and the entire family approach the process of divorce with the intention and agreement to resolve the divorce without a legal battle.
If you need to find a collaborative mental health professional or a collaborative divorce attorney, here is a link to trusted professionals: International Academy of Collaborative Professionals
I hope that this information is helpful for you, your friends, or your clients. If you or someone that you care about is facing a divorce, we am here to help you navigate the process in a professional and respectful manner.
With thanks,
Chad Layton
(561) 537-8227