A collaborative divorce lawyer is trained and qualified to provide you with a very different service than a divorce litigator.

A divorce litigator is hired to “win” your divorce.  The astute litigator will file your divorce lawsuit immediately to beat your spouse to the first punch.  Next, the litigator will promptly fire off subpoenas and financial discovery demands to the opposing attorney.  The battle to “win” your divorce is on.

The divorce will then wind its way through the courts for twelve months or more.  The attorneys for you and your spouse will charge $400 or more per hour.  There is no range or budget as to what this divorce litigation will cost you and your spouse.  Then, after all the fighting is done and the lawyer bills have been paid, over 95% of the time in Palm Beach County, you and your spouse will attend a court ordered settlement conference and begrudgingly settle your divorce by entering into a legally binding Marital Settlement Agreement.  You won’t go to trial.  You won’t win your divorce.

The logical question then becomes: “Did we have to fight in Court for a year to settle our divorce?”


The Collaborative Divorce Option

The practice of collaborative divorce answers this question with a resounding “NO”, you do not have to fight in Court to resolve your divorce.

As a collaboratively trained divorce lawyer, I will start your divorce with the negotiation process and problem-solving techniques to build a Marital Settlement Agreement that is tailored to meet the needs of you and your family.  Once the Marital Settlement Agreement is executed, it will remain private and it does not need to be filed with the Court.

At the outset of your divorce, I will sign a disqualification agreement, to assure that I cannot represent you in Court.  This is the “buy in” from  me and my law firm to assure that we are committed to resolving your divorce without fighting in Court.

Additionally, we will provide you with a fixed fee employment agreement option.  This means that you will not pay hourly and you will know the cost of your divorce attorney at the outset. Our fee schedule is posted on our website  https://mindfuldivorcepa.com/fixed-fees/

The timeline for your collaborative divorce is also transparent.  There are no delays for court hearings or subpoenas.  The average collaborative divorce is completed from start to finish in 3-6 months.

Collaborative Divorce empowers you to work with professionals outside of court that work with you to resolve the issues in your divorce.  The Collaborative Divorce Process prioritizes respect, privacy and time.


How Do You Get Started?

If you would like to schedule a collaborative divorce consultation, you can book your appointment by clicking on the scheduling link below or by calling in to our office:


Phone: (561) 537-8227



Client Reviews/Reputation:


We are proud to be a 5 star google review business.  Our client reviews can be found by doing a quick google search of our law firm or by clicking here: https://www.google.com/search?q=mindful+divorce+pa&rlz=1C1VDKB_enUS938US938&oq=mindful+divorce+pa&aqs=chrome..69i57j69i60l3.3558j0j15&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#lrd=0x88d8d8345f263ecf:0x6d9519a50f5d24d3,1,,,


By: Mindful Divorce P.A. [i]


[i] Chadwick M. Layton is a collaborative divorce attorney at Mindful Divorce, P.A. in Palm Beach County, FL.  Mr. Layton is also a member of the Palm Beach Association of Collaborative Professionals, International Academy of Collaborative Professionals, Florida Bar Family Law Section, the Susan B. Greenberg Family Law American Inn of Court of the Palm Beaches and the Palm Beach Flagler Rotary Club.

Mindful Divorce P.A.

205 Worth Ave.

Suite 303

Palm Beach, FL 33480

Phone (561) 537-8227

Office E-Mail: Chad@mindfuldivorcepa.com

Office Website: https://www.mindfuldivorcepa.com



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