
Prenup Image

The “P” Word – Why Prenups Aren’t a “dirty” word anymore

While marriages are generally declining in Florida, prenuptial agreements are more popular than ever. In the article, attorney Chad Layton writes why.

Social security card

What Happens to Social Security Benefits in Divorce?

What happens to your social security benefits during and after a Florida divorce? Who gets the benefits? In this article, Chad Layton explains.

School of the Arts in West Palm Beach

School Choice After Divorce – How to Make It Work

How does co-parenting and school choice work amicably after a divorce? In this article, Collaborative Divorce attorney Chad Layton explains.

Chad Layton collaborative divorce attorney west palm beach

Real Property and Divorce in Palm Beach County

How is real estate property split up equitably during a divorce process in Palm Beach County? It’s tricky. Attorney Chad Layton explains here.

Chad Layton collaborative divorce attorney west palm beach

Small Business and Divorce

Splitting up business assets, operations, and profits in a divorce is a tricky proposition. There’s a few common ways to handle it, as attorney Chad Layton explains here.

Chad Layton collaborative divorce attorney west palm beach

Child Support – How Much Is It?

How do parents who are successful in co-parenting after a divorce calculate the cost of child support? Attorney Chad Layton shares his experience here.