
Slow Down and Listen

 The appointment was over before I had a chance to ask the dermatologist anything.  He came into the examination room, grabbed a bottle of liquid nitrogen and zapped a couple of spots on my shoulder.  He was gone. The doctor rushed out of the room and instructed the nurse to take a look at the…

How Should I Communicate With Our Children About Divorce?

Parenting through a divorce is a challenging time that requires you to be honest with yourself, and to put in the extra work to help your children work through the major changes in their family structure. Here are some tips and helpful questions to ask if you are a parent that is working to help…

How Do I Put My Children’s Interest First In Divorce?

Divorce for parents is different, and it’s harder.  You ask yourself, what impact will separation and divorce have on our children?  Is there a scenario where divorce could be healthier for me and our children?  What can I do before, during and after the divorce to help our children adjust and thrive through this difficult…

What Do Spouses Ask For Most In Collaborative Divorce?

One of the cornerstones of collaborative divorce is defining goals and interests that will help you and your family transition to the next phase in life peacefully and respectfully.  Below, I have outlined a list of the 5 most common goals and interests that we help families to define and accomplish in their collaborative divorce…

How Does the Length of My Marriage Affect My Divorce?

When it comes to divorce, each state has its own set of rules and laws that govern the process.  In Florida, the length of your marriage is an important factor that is considered under our divorce law. The duration of your marriage is certainly not the only important factor to consider in divorce, but it…

Divorce Court Is Not Good For Your Business

The last thing that you need as a small business owner is to make a legal mess of your divorce. What is a legal mess?   You know the answer – court dates, delays, lawyers taking control of your divorce, your financial affairs being combed through with a fine-tooth comb by forensic accountants – two…

What Is Different About Collaborative Divorce?

I am asked regularly about how Collaborative Divorce works, and what makes it different.   One of the best resources to answer this question is the first letter written about Collaborative Divorce by Stu Webb, the Minnesota family law attorney that is widely recognized as the father of Collaborative Divorce. Stu worked in the legal…

What Are The 5 Best Practices For Parents Contemplating Divorce?

As parents, we think of our children first.  When it comes to divorce, this is especially true.  I am a parent, and I understand what that means.   That is why I treat parents going through divorce differently. I know that I am not only working for you, I am also working for your children.…

What Is The Hardest Part of Divorce?

In my experience, it’s the unknown.  Once you decide that divorce is going to happen, you are faced with some tough questions.   Common Divorce Questions: How do I start the process of divorce?   How do I protect myself financially?   How do I protect my children from the effects of a nasty divorce?…

How Do I Talk To My Children About Divorce?

Open and honest communication is crucial when the time comes to talk to your children about divorce, and what it will mean for your family. This conversation requires sensitivity, empathy, and a focus on their well-being. First, choose an appropriate time and setting that you, your spouse and your children will all be as comfortable…