
Why Fixed Fees Work in Divorce

Contrary to popular belief, people going through a divorce have not lost all of their intelligence and common sense.  More often than not, when you are going through a divorce, you are not happy about the divorce. However, you are reasonable, and you would like a seasoned professional to provide you with an overview of…

Chad Layton Collaborative Divorce Attorney

How To Achieve A Healthy Divorce

In divorce, as with many things in life, the process matters. When you are first considering divorce and what life might look like after divorce, lots of questions come to mind. How do we separate our finances? How do we divide our assets and debts? Will my spouse or I need financial support? How do…

Chad Layton Collaborative Divorce Attorney

Collaborative Divorce Won’t Work, My Spouse Is Crazy!

A common concern that I hear in collaborative divorce consultations is: “Collaborative divorce sounds great, but it won’t work for me.  My husband/wife is [crazy, irrational, narcissistic, hot head].  That’s why we are getting a divorce.” In my experience, collaborative divorce is in fact a good process for difficult spouses and difficult divorces. The reason…

Chad Layton Collaborative Divorce Attorney

Peacemaking In Divorce

Many attorneys first and only option to help you with your divorce is to file a lawsuit and start litigation against your spouse. Eventually, the chances are greater than 90%, that you will end up settling your divorce through a marital settlement agreement. Unfortunately, you will first have to go through a long and difficult…

Chad Layton collaborative divorce attorney west palm beach

Taking Action Without a Plan is a Mistake in Divorce

 The divorce process will have a major impact on you, your family, your assets and your financial future.  Taking the time to consider what is most important to you and your family before filing a contested divorce action can save you years of litigation and many thousands of dollars. Also, you can retain control of…

Chad Layton collaborative divorce attorney west palm beach

Your Divorce Lawyer Shouldn’t Do Better When You Do Worse

Lately, I have noticed the commercial for financial advisors that promotes, “we do better when you do better”. The message in this commercial is clear and it makes sense. The financial advisor is working together with you towards a common goal, to help you make money. They benefit when they help you to accomplish your…

Chad Layton Collaborative Divorce Attorney

Divorce Budget – What Is That?

The process of divorce can be daunting. Many spouses that I meet with for the first time have concerns over how the process of divorce works. Where do we start? Where do we end? How much does it cost? How long will it take? Can we do this without a legal battle? They have worked…

Chad Layton Collaborative Divorce Attorney

Collaborative Divorce – Transparency Works

Unfortunately, our experience with divorce very likely includes one spouse filing a lawsuit and serving the other spouse with a summons and legal complaint. The litigation and the divorce is then underway. Both spouses then lawyer up and prepare to battle in Court over their divorce. This litigated approach to divorce keeps many divorce attorneys…

Chad Layton Collaborative Divorce Attorney

Collaborative Divorce – A Better Way

Peaceful. Private. Respectful. These are the hallmarks of the collaborative divorce process. The collaborative divorce process helps us do things differently than other family law firms. We don’t file a lawsuit against the other spouse. We don’t wait on court dates. We don’t charge hourly fees. We don’t wait 12 months to complete a divorce.…

Chad Layton Collaborative Divorce Attorney

Benefits of Mindfulness

Many of us do our best to take a few moments out of the day to slow down and quiet the tasks and stress that come with our jobs and profession. For me, I do my best to take ten minutes during the lunch hour to take a walk without any devices and clear my…