In divorce, as with many things in life, the process matters.

When you are first considering divorce and what life might look like after divorce, lots of questions come to mind.

  • How do we separate our finances?

  • How do we divide our assets and debts?

  • Will my spouse or I need financial support?

  • How do I protect our children from a bad divorce?

  • How do I avoid a nasty divorce?

These are the right questions to ask.  These are the questions that I answer during all of our divorce consultations.

One of the most important steps in achieving a healthy divorce is to select a process that lines up with your family, and with your goals for divorce.

The collaborative divorce process is based upon the following values and principles:


  1. Respect and dignity for everyone involved.

  2. Open communication and disclosure.

  3. Commitment to helping the family through the process of divorce.

  4. No threat of litigation or court action.

  5. You (the spouses) are recognized as the key decision makers to help us resolve the issues in your divorce.


If these values and principles line up with the way that you want to handle your divorce, I would recommend that you consider the collaborative divorce process.

If you, or a friend of yours, has questions about collaborative divorce in Palm Beach County, we are here to help.

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