
Chad Layton collaborative divorce attorney west palm beach

Who Gets The House In a Divorce?

Collaborative Divorce: Interest Based Negotiation vs. Position Based Negotiation Interests are different from positions.  A position generally has only one possible answer – who will get the house?  Me or my spouse. An interest has a number of possible answers – I want to receive the house in our divorce because: it’s close to our…

Chad Layton Collaborative Divorce Attorney

Can I Use the Collaborative Process to Modify Alimony or a Parenting Plan?

Yes, the Collaborative Process works as a peacemaking option for divorce actions, and to modify or fix previously entered divorce judgments. Often times, years after a divorce is finalized, changes occur in the family that create a need to modify the terms of the divorce judgment. These changes are often related to addressing concerns for…

Chad Layton Collaborative Divorce Attorney

Should I Hire a Bulldog Divorce Attorney?

Recently, I have heard several of my friends use the term “bulldog” attorney. There is nothing new about this term.  We have all heard it used to describe a certain type of lawyer for many years. The interesting thing about it to me is that in some cases I hear it used as a compliment,…

Chad Layton Collaborative Divorce Attorney

How Do I Protect My Children In A Divorce?

Divorce affects the entire family, especially the children.  Recognizing and identifying this concern is the first step to protecting your children from emotional damage that can occur during a divorce.   The next step is for you and your spouse to agree not to fight in court.  Fighting in court increases the likelihood of unnecessary…

Chad Layton collaborative divorce attorney west palm beach

What Is A Collaborative Marriage Plan?

While Prenuptial Agreements contemplate what will happen if your marriage fails, Collaborative Marriage Plans help you and your future spouse consider potential problems that may occur during your marriage and agree to solutions in advance. Prenuptial Agreements are a legal tool that plan only for your divorce.  Collaborative Marriage Plans provide you with a much…

Chad Layton collaborative divorce attorney west palm beach

Divorce Is Not: You Vs. Your Spouse

Divorce is defined by the American Bar Association as a court decree finding that a valid marriage no longer exists. The path that you choose to obtain a court decree ending your marriage is your choice. You don’t need to, and I would strongly recommend that you do not: Engage in a legal battle with…

Chad Layton Collaborative Divorce Attorney

Should I Bring My Spouse With Me To Talk To A Divorce Attorney?

Divorce Options Yes, you can bring your spouse with you to talk to a divorce attorney. There are many advantages to bringing your spouse with you to this meeting. Transparency The biggest benefit to having your spouse at the meeting (zoom or in person) is that you are showing your husband or wife that you…

Chad Layton collaborative divorce attorney west palm beach

How Do I Make A Plan For Divorce?

For many of us, making a plan is the first step to overcoming an obstacle. Divorce is no different. MAKING A PLAN FOR DIVORCE First, you can sit down and consider what your objective goals are for your divorce. Write out an outline that includes the following: Do I really want to divorce my spouse,…

Chad Layton Collaborative Divorce Attorney

Do I Need a Child Specialist In My Collaborative Divorce?

There is no doubt that the Collaborative divorce process is more popular among families that have minor children.  Parents put their children first.  They don’t agree on everything, but they do agree that they will do everything in their power to protect their children from the potential harmful impacts of a nasty divorce. A trained…

Chad Layton Collaborative Divorce Attorney

What Is A Fair Divorce Settlement?

It’s a question that lingers in the mind of anyone transitioning through the tough landscape of divorce: What is a fair divorce settlement? This is a question that I am asked more and more often by a husband or wife during Collaborative divorce consultations.  I see this as progress. In the Collaborative divorce setting, fair…