Yes.  The Collaborative Divorce process provides you with a team of experienced divorce professionals that work to provide you with solutions that are tailored to the unique circumstances and finances of your marriage.

Your Collaborative Divorce team can include a financial professional, a mental health professional and two collaboratively trained divorce attorneys.  The entire team is working toward one goal, to help you and your spouse reach a fair settlement agreement based upon Florida Law.

The Collaborative Divorce Process provides you with confidential negotiations, cost reduction, and better relationships with your spouse and your family after the divorce is finalized.

In the event that both you and your spouse agree on all issues in your divorce, with the exception of one important issue, we can draft a custom settlement agreement to confirm all of the issues that have been resolved privately between you and your spouse.

You and your spouse then have the option of seeking a court resolution for the one issue that you could not agree upon.

The Collaborative Divorce Process puts you and your spouse in control as the decision makers in your divorce, instead of litigation attorneys and judges.

If you, or a friend of yours, has questions about Collaborative Divorce in Palm Beach County, we are here to help.

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