How Do We Divide Retirement Assets In Collaborative Divorce?

September 5, 2024  | 
By: Chad Layton, Esq.

mindful divorce divide retirement assetsOur role in helping you to divide your retirement assets is to provide you with a clear picture of how the law applies to your marriage and to the retirement assets of your marriage.  

This will help you to have an objective reference point as to what a fair custom solution looks like based on the facts and finances of your marriage.  Thereafter, we will work to assure that you have the space and support that you need to negotiate a custom agreement that is best for you and your family.

Equitable Distribution of Retirement Assets in Florida: 

  1. First, we will work to identify each retirement account or investment property and classify each asset as “earned during the marriage” or “earned prior to the marriage”.  See Florida Statute §61.075
  2. Next, we will work to prepare a first draft of an equitable distribution schedule that provides both you and your spouse with a breakdown of all retirement assets and current values for each of those assets.
  3. Finally, your collaborative divorce attorney will provide you with legal advice as to how the law applies to each of your retirement assets, and what settlement options may work best to accomplish the unique goals that you have set for your divorce.

Instead of fighting in court, we provide you with the legal expertise and resources that you need to develop your own private, and durable resolution to your divorce.

If you, or a friend of yours, has questions about collaborative divorce in Palm Beach County, we are here to help.

Helpful  Resources:

Mindful Divorce Services – Fixed Fees

Florida Academy of Collaborative Professionals

Florida Family Law Forms 

Child Specialist in Divorce

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