If you or a loved one is considering divorce, it is best to come up with a plan before jumping to action.
The divorce process will have a major impact on you, your family, your assets and your financial future.
Taking the time to consider what is most important to you and to your family before filing a contested divorce action can save you years of litigation and many thousands of dollars.
Also, you can retain control of the process, without putting your family and your finances in the hands of a circuit judge that you have never met.
The Collaborative Divorce Process is a professional alternative that provides you with far greater long-term solutions than the traditional approach of “going to war” in court against your significant other.
Collaborative divorce attorneys are specially trained to identify all of the legal and factual issues in your marriage and to provide fair legal solutions, without battling in court.
Questions We Help You to Answer
If you, or a friend of yours, have questions about out of court divorce options, that include collaborative divorce in Palm Beach County, we are here to help.
Chad M. Layton is a collaborative divorce attorney at Mindful Divorce, P.A. in Palm Beach County, FL. Mr. Layton is also a member of the Palm Beach Association of Collaborative Professionals, International Academy of Collaborative Professionals, and Florida Bar Family Law Section.