Collaborative divorce is not premised upon everyone getting along. It is a serious legal process that provides the resources and forum necessary for families to reach long term durable solutions in their divorce.
Many times, a parent or spouse that I am meeting with hears the term “collaborative divorce,” and they imagine a process of hand-holding and everyone getting along, and they know that is not what is needed to deal with the difficult issues in their divorce.
The reality is that Collaborative Divorce is practical and results oriented. Collaborative divorce was adopted by the Florida Supreme Court in 2017. It is a structured, respectful approach to ending a marriage in Florida that focuses on trained family law attorneys guiding spouses and parents through the divorce process to help them make informed decisions about ending their marriage and moving on to the next phase in their life. This form of divorce resolution provides many advantages over litigation and courtroom battles that pit family members against one another.
Does Each Spouse Have Their Own Attorney?
Yes. Collaborative divorce provides that each spouse must have their own attorney. Additionally, you may add other professionals to your settlement team to assist with complex matters, such as a CPA financial specialist and a child specialist.
The team of settlement specialists will help you to understand how divorce law in Florida applies to the specific circumstances in your marriage, and what custom settlement options look like that are fair to everyone involved.
Why It Works
- Control Over the Process: Unlike traditional divorce, where a judge makes the final decisions, collaborative divorce assures that you and your spouse determine the outcome. This leads to better agreements, and better family relationships after the divorce.
- Focus on Communication: Collaborative divorce encourages open and honest communication. This can help both parties understand each other’s needs and concerns, leading to more amicable solutions.
- Support from Professionals: The process involves a team of professionals who provide expertise and support. This can include a financial planner, a mental health professional, and a child specialist, all working together to ensure a fair and comprehensive agreement.
- Preservation of Relationships: Especially important for couples with children, collaborative divorce aims to preserve a respectful relationship between the parents. This creates an environment where co-parenting, and life after divorce is much healthier for the children and the parents.
- Cost-Effective Fixed Fees: By avoiding lengthy court battles, collaborative divorce is more cost-effective. The focus is on solutions and moving forward, instead of fighting and looking backwards. Fixed fees are available in Collaborative divorce which remove the hourly billing issues that can arise in litigation.
Collaborative divorce is not premised upon everyone getting along. It is a serious legal process that provides the resources and forum necessary for families to reach long term durable solutions in their divorce. Collaborative divorce leads to better outcomes and a smoother transition to the next chapter of your life. If you’re considering divorce, this approach might be worth exploring for a more efficient and durable resolution.
If you, or a friend of yours, have questions about out of court divorce options, that include collaborative divorce in Palm Beach County, we are here to help.
Helpful Resources:
Mindful Divorce Services – Fixed Fees