
Chad Layton collaborative divorce attorney west palm beach

No, We Are Not Fighting Over The Kids

In some divorces, parents become engaged in a custody battle. Many years ago, I learned that custody battles are a losing proposition, especially for the children. The system is designed to fail. The system, if you choose to fight in court, provides specific factors that each parent and their attorney will use to build a…

Chad Layton Collaborative Divorce Attorney

Collaborative Divorce Won’t Work, My Spouse Is Crazy!

A common concern that I hear in collaborative divorce consultations is: “Collaborative divorce sounds great, but it won’t work for me.  My husband/wife is [crazy, irrational, narcissistic, hot head].  That’s why we are getting a divorce.” In my experience, collaborative divorce is in fact a good process for difficult spouses and difficult divorces. The reason…

Chad Layton Collaborative Divorce Attorney

Peacemaking In Divorce

Many attorneys first and only option to help you with your divorce is to file a lawsuit and start litigation against your spouse. Eventually, the chances are greater than 90%, that you will end up settling your divorce through a marital settlement agreement. Unfortunately, you will first have to go through a long and difficult…

Chad Layton Collaborative Divorce Attorney

Collaborative Divorce – A Better Way

Peaceful. Private. Respectful. These are the hallmarks of the collaborative divorce process. The collaborative divorce process helps us do things differently than other family law firms. We don’t file a lawsuit against the other spouse. We don’t wait on court dates. We don’t charge hourly fees. We don’t wait 12 months to complete a divorce.…

Chad Layton Collaborative Divorce Attorney

What is a Mindful Divorce?

In March of 2019, I left the law firm where I started my career and had practiced family law for 11 years and I opened a new firm, Mindful Divorce, P.A. The question for me and all of our team members was, what is a mindful divorce?  We used this question to develop our unique…

3 Types of Divorce Attorneys

3 Types of Divorce Attorney’s

March Madness Each year I enjoy watching some of the NCAA men’s basketball tournament. I’m not a big college basketball fan but I appreciate the surprises and cinderella stories that seem to develop each year. This year, I found myself watching a postgame interview with the coach for the University of North Carolina, Hubert Davis.…

Divorce Peacefully

Help Families Divorce Peacefully

Spouses and children that are facing the possibility of divorce almost never benefit from the dysfunctional and hostile process that is the “traditional” divorce in Palm Beach County. The “traditional” divorce will include process servers, court reporters, subpoenas, depositions and contested court hearings. None of these steps will help the family to resolve their divorce…