
Chad Layton collaborative divorce attorney

Hourly Billing Woes

Over the weekend, I read a good article in the Palm Beach Post about hourly legal fees charged to the School Board. These bills were of course ultimately paid by us, the taxpayers in Palm Beach County. The law firm billed at the rate of $660 per hour. The columnist made light of the obvious…

Chad Layton Collaborative Divorce Attorney

Who Is On My Collaborative Divorce Team?

Collaborative divorce is a process that helps families resolve their divorce without fighting in court. In my opinion, this is the best process available to resolve the difficult issues in divorce.  Collaborative divorce keeps you out of court and it helps you create a custom plan to resolve your divorce. So, who is on the…

Chad Layton collaborative divorce attorney west palm beach

Does Collaborative Divorce Really Work? (Yes, 92% of the Time)

As many of you know, I focused my law practice in traditional divorce litigation in Palm Beach County for more than 13 years. Based upon my experience, a court battle is not your best option in divorce. Instead, I recommend the Collaborative Divorce process. The benefits of the Collaborative Divorce process versus traditional litigation are…

Chad Layton collaborative divorce attorney west palm beach

What Drives the Cost of Divorce Most in Palm Beach County? (It’s Not the Lawyers)

This is an instance where the simplest answer is the correct one.  Whether or not you go to court and fight.  That is the factor that plays the biggest role in the cost of divorce in Palm Beach County. Going to court and fighting in your divorce will not only cost you financially (likely three…

Chad Layton collaborative divorce attorney west palm beach

No, We Are Not Fighting Over The Kids

In some divorces, parents become engaged in a custody battle. Many years ago, I learned that custody battles are a losing proposition, especially for the children. The system is designed to fail. The system, if you choose to fight in court, provides specific factors that each parent and their attorney will use to build a…

Chad Layton Collaborative Divorce Attorney

Collaborative Divorce Won’t Work, My Spouse Is Crazy!

A common concern that I hear in collaborative divorce consultations is: “Collaborative divorce sounds great, but it won’t work for me.  My husband/wife is [crazy, irrational, narcissistic, hot head].  That’s why we are getting a divorce.” In my experience, collaborative divorce is in fact a good process for difficult spouses and difficult divorces. The reason…