
Chad Layton Collaborative Divorce Attorney

Celebrities Resolve Divorce Outside Of Court, So Should You

Many celebrities choose private resolution in divorce instead of a drawn-out court battle. A few of the celebrities that have chosen the path of least resistance include Tom Brady, Gisele Bundchen, Robin Williams, Madonna, T. Boone Pickens, and others.[i] Forbes recently reported that the power couple of Tom and Gisele resolved all of the issues…

Chad Layton Collaborative Divorce Attorney

Is Divorce Really, “A Game Played By Lawyers?”

In the classic film, The Awful Truth, movie star Cary Grant delivered a great one liner, “Divorce is a game played by lawyers.”[i] There is no doubt that this adage holds true too often. However, divorce doesn’t have to be a lawsuit that is “played” by trained professionals, where you are updated on occasion with…

Chad Layton collaborative divorce attorney west palm beach

No, We Are Not Fighting Over The Kids

In some divorces, parents become engaged in a custody battle. Many years ago, I learned that custody battles are a losing proposition, especially for the children. The system is designed to fail. The system, if you choose to fight in court, provides specific factors that each parent and their attorney will use to build a…

Chad Layton Collaborative Divorce Attorney

Collaborative Divorce Won’t Work, My Spouse Is Crazy!

A common concern that I hear in collaborative divorce consultations is: “Collaborative divorce sounds great, but it won’t work for me.  My husband/wife is [crazy, irrational, narcissistic, hot head].  That’s why we are getting a divorce.” In my experience, collaborative divorce is in fact a good process for difficult spouses and difficult divorces. The reason…

Chad Layton Collaborative Divorce Attorney

3 Questions To Ask Before Filing For Divorce

Deciding to end your marriage is a big step, period. Generally, this decision comes after you have done everything that you can think of to save the marriage, and it has been unsuccessful. When you know that it is time to go forward with a divorce, you may want to consider the following questions. Do…

Chad Layton collaborative divorce attorney west palm beach

2023 Resolution – Help Families Stop Fighting In Court

Happy New Year!  This year, we are working to help families stop fighting in court.  Many clients that I meet with for the first time haven’t heard of the collaborative divorce process. They have been told that they must choose between trying to figure out the legal process of divorce on their own or filing…

Chad Layton Collaborative Divorce Attorney

Collaborative Divorce – Transparency Works

Unfortunately, our experience with divorce very likely includes one spouse filing a lawsuit and serving the other spouse with a summons and legal complaint. The litigation and the divorce is then underway. Both spouses then lawyer up and prepare to battle in Court over their divorce. This litigated approach to divorce keeps many divorce attorneys…

Chad Layton Collaborative Divorce Attorney

Benefits of Mindfulness

Many of us do our best to take a few moments out of the day to slow down and quiet the tasks and stress that come with our jobs and profession. For me, I do my best to take ten minutes during the lunch hour to take a walk without any devices and clear my…

Chad Layton Collaborative Divorce Attorney


The status quo in divorce is broken. What is the status quo in divorce?  Litigation.  Each spouse hires their own divorce litigator and the attorney’s file a lawsuit.  The battle lines are drawn, and each side takes their positions.  Legal attacks and court hearings ensue.  Emotional and financial damage is inflicted upon the family.  A…

Chad Layton collaborative divorce attorney west palm beach

Prioritize Peace Over Winning

We all have options in how we choose to resolve conflict.  Do we focus on being right?  Do we focus on winning? Do we focus on peaceful alternatives? Collaborative Divorce In collaborative divorce, we place a high value on peace.  We choose to focus on peace because we know that families going through a divorce…