
How Do We Divide Retirement Assets In Collaborative Divorce?

Our role in helping you to divide your retirement assets is to provide you with a clear picture of how the law applies to your marriage and to the retirement assets of your marriage.   This will help you to have an objective reference point as to what a fair custom solution looks like based…

Am I Responsible For My Spouse’s Debts In Divorce?

In most instances, yes, you are equally responsible for debts that are in the individual name of your spouse in divorce.   Joint Responsibility for Debts Incurred During Your Marriage Florida law provides that you and your spouse are equally responsible for those debts that are determined to be, “Marital Liabilities”.  See Florida Statute §61.075.…

What Is A Marital Asset?

Florida law defines a marital asset to be: An asset that is acquired during your marriage: individually by you OR your spouse; or an asset that is acquired jointly by you and your spouse.  See Florida Statute 61.075, Equitable Distribution.  In my experience, asking about the classification of an asset is really asking, “What should…

How Does Collaborative Divorce Keep Our Finances Private?

Financial privacy is a factor that is often overlooked when you are considering a divorce process option.  However, safeguarding your financial information and keeping your financial life private during and after your divorce is a major benefit to the Collaborative Divorce Process.    Courtroom battles will often times expose your personal and business  financial lives…