
Chad Layton Collaborative Divorce Attorney

Collaborative Divorce Won’t Work, My Spouse Is Crazy!

A common concern that I hear in collaborative divorce consultations is: “Collaborative divorce sounds great, but it won’t work for me.  My husband/wife is [crazy, irrational, narcissistic, hot head].  That’s why we are getting a divorce.” In my experience, collaborative divorce is in fact a good process for difficult spouses and difficult divorces. The reason…

Chad Layton Collaborative Divorce Attorney

3 Questions To Ask Before Filing For Divorce

Deciding to end your marriage is a big step, period. Generally, this decision comes after you have done everything that you can think of to save the marriage, and it has been unsuccessful. When you know that it is time to go forward with a divorce, you may want to consider the following questions. Do…

Chad Layton collaborative divorce attorney west palm beach

2023 Resolution – Help Families Stop Fighting In Court

Happy New Year!  This year, we are working to help families stop fighting in court.  Many clients that I meet with for the first time haven’t heard of the collaborative divorce process. They have been told that they must choose between trying to figure out the legal process of divorce on their own or filing…

Chad Layton collaborative divorce attorney west palm beach

Will My Collaborative Divorce Attorney Fight For Me?

No.  Your collaborative divorce attorney will not fight for you. Your collaborative divorce attorney will not “win” for you. Your collaborative divorce attorney will not attack your husband or wife. Your collaborative divorce attorney will not act without regard as to the impact of the results on your family.   Instead, your collaborative divorce attorney…

Chad Layton Collaborative Divorce Attorney

FAQ: Collaborative Divorce

  What is a “Collaborative Divorce”? Answer: A legal process that provides both spouses with separate collaboratively trained lawyers that help them to resolve all of the conflicts in their divorce without any court litigation.[i] The Florida Supreme Court has recognized the benefits of the Collaborative Divorce Process regularly.  In 2001, the court acknowledged Collaborative…

Chad Layton collaborative divorce attorney west palm beach

Collaborative Divorce or Mediation: What’s the Difference?

Recently, I gave a short presentation on the collaborative divorce process and the benefits that this process provides when compared to a litigated divorce (i.e. court battle). One of the attorneys in the room asked, “What is the difference between the collaborative divorce process and mediation?” I think it’s a good question.  Below, I have…

Chad Layton Collaborative Divorce Attorney

Peacemaking In Divorce

Many attorneys first and only option to help you with your divorce is to file a lawsuit and start litigation against your spouse. Eventually, the chances are greater than 90%, that you will end up settling your divorce through a marital settlement agreement. Unfortunately, you will first have to go through a long and difficult…

Chad Layton collaborative divorce attorney west palm beach

Taking Action Without a Plan is a Mistake in Divorce

 The divorce process will have a major impact on you, your family, your assets and your financial future.  Taking the time to consider what is most important to you and your family before filing a contested divorce action can save you years of litigation and many thousands of dollars. Also, you can retain control of…

Chad Layton Collaborative Divorce Attorney

Divorce Budget – What Is That?

The process of divorce can be daunting. Many spouses that I meet with for the first time have concerns over how the process of divorce works. Where do we start? Where do we end? How much does it cost? How long will it take? Can we do this without a legal battle? They have worked…

Chad Layton Collaborative Divorce Attorney

Collaborative Divorce – Transparency Works

Unfortunately, our experience with divorce very likely includes one spouse filing a lawsuit and serving the other spouse with a summons and legal complaint. The litigation and the divorce is then underway. Both spouses then lawyer up and prepare to battle in Court over their divorce. This litigated approach to divorce keeps many divorce attorneys…